1. Welcome and intro from the host. Outline of the discussion questions. (5 mins)
2. Split into small groups. Introduce yourself, and chat through the conversation-starters. (20 mins)
3. Regroup and sign off. (5 mins)
30 mins total
• Briefly introduce yourself, the charity you work for, and the team of volunteers you lead.
• What are some current challenges you’re facing as you lead your team of volunteers?
• What do you wish you were better at, or had more support with, in your current role?
• What’s your best advice on how to properly support and retain your volunteers?
• What do you love most about working for your charity?
• Are you a charity sector newbie, or a veteran?
• What are you working on at the minute?
• What led you to pursue this current role that you’re in now?
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