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at The serval conservation and educational refuge
Donna Mechel Whitaker is the founder and director of The Serval Conservation and Educational Refuge (TSCAER), a nonprofit dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and protection of African servals. With over 20 years of experience in serval care and rehabilitation, Whitaker has established herself as a leading expert in the field, driven by a deep commitment to conserving these exotic felids. Her extensive background includes hands-on work with traumatized and neglected servals, developing comprehensive care protocols, and educating others through husbandry courses and social media outreach. Under her leadership, TSCAER has successfully rehabilitated and rehomed numerous servals, including Koda, Snow, Dutchess, and Kiara, while advocating against the misconceptions that fuel their mistreatment. Whitakers decades of expertise and passion have positioned TSCAER as a vital sanctuary, addressing the growing crisis of abandoned servals with professionalism and dedication.
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25th September 2024
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