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Charity digital lead with over 15 years experience in the sector. Im passionate about how we can use digital for good, delivering better services and experiences.
I am currently the interim Head of Digital at Bloodwise - in the role until the end of November 2019, and I am actively looking for my next step into senior leadership.
I have broad experience of writing and implementing digital and social media strategies, creative campaign and content planning, and providing social media training. I have worked with national brands such as Tesco, Bupa, Morrisons, M&S and Asda, and have broad experience of how to better use digital to support a charitys overall strategic aims. I'm part of the CharityComms Heads of Digital steering group and run the nearly 6,000 member strong Third Sector PR & Comms Facebook Group.
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Joined CharityConnect
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28 Oct
28th October 2016
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