Hi folks - are there rules around offering incentives to encourage Member Get Members? I'm thinking that there is the £25 value limit, but wondering if there is anything else we should consider? Than...
We use CAF Donate currently and the major drawback is that our charity name doesn't appear on the donor's bank statement - so they often cancel not remembering who we are. Any recommendations? I'm no...
Hi everyone, I am looking to get your thoughts on thanking. I work for a small/medium national charity and we currently send out thank you letters to donors above £10 and send out approx 50 letters...
This question is from a member of our community that wishes to remain anonymous: Does anyone have any experience of setting up an Amazon Wish List on a charity business account with Amazon, in order...
Hello, I am fairly new in post as an Individual Giving Officer and have been asked to do some benchmarking on Regular Giving and Supporter Journeys. I would be very grateful if anyone would be willi...
Hello everyone. I am looking for some support / suggestions . I have been using Total Giving donation manager for some time , this is fundamental to our charity to get through gift aid claims etc. I...
Hi everyone, We have a few businesses who have kindly displayed donation pots on their counters for us. Our team are all remote and we don't have a central working base. Some supporters of ours have...
We've been using it for quite a few years and claiming Gift aid monthly. I tried to make a Gift Aid Claim back at the beginning of June but an error message occurred and despite emailing customer sup...
As I see from another thread other people are unable to claim gift aid via TotalGiving. Having managed to cancel the claim that was in limbo.. I'm now preparing to manually claim. But then realised I...
Hi everyone, We're looking to test tap to give for donations at our events. Can anyone recommend an option that doesn't tie us in to monthly payments, but can capture Gift Aid opt-in/details? We're...
As a relatively new charity to this platform, can you tell me is it only uk working charities can apply, or you do you consider also charities who work mainly in other nations?
I want to ask a question regarding exercising due diligence when receiving donations. My question is what kind of due diligence should I exercise If I am offered unusually large donation to our char...
Dear All, Can we use small donations to create a financial endowment? All small donors will know that their donations are being used for creating a corpus that will establish a financial endowment. R...
Does anyone have experience with donation devices? I am looking at DonarBox: https://donorbox.org/ and would value comparisons
Hello CharityConnect, Around the lead up to Christmas, my fundraising team we get a lot of enquiries about what items to donate to our frontline teams, and how and when to donate items. This is from...
I was wondering if you've noticed any seasonal trends in charitable donations. Do you find that people tend to give more around Christmas, or is the frequency of donations fairly consistent throughou...
We have been sent approached by fundraising platform Givematch who offer match funding to any donor who can encourage 2 further donors who can support us. While this sounds tempting as we approach t...
Hi all! We've recently had a supporter reach out asking if we have JustGiving so that they can fundraise on our behalf on the site. However, my manager has said that we previously held a membership t...
Hi, I wondered if you can help please. We work alongside a great charity who provide singing and activities for us at our services. We have recently received and email from them stating that they wil...
This question is from a member of our community that wishes to remain anonymous: Hi all! For the next few months I would like my CIC to raise funds to top up GoFundMe accounts as well as go to refug...
Hello! We are thinking about our Christmas raffle. Can anyone recommend a platform that can run online and offline sales? We have found in the past that people just want to get a ticket then and ther...
I have some challenge fundraisers who would like to use Just Giving to raise funds for my charity, but also a second charity. I cannot work out how to do this on Just Giving. We want 1 way for donor...
Hello, a little bit of advice please. We currently use Enthuse, as they sort gift aid for us, however we are finding them slightly clunky and they don't accept certain payment methods. We are a rela...
Hello all With my birthday approaching I've had one of those pop ups on Facebook where you can select a charity to fundraise for. They are a nice, seemingly simple option to promote a cause to follo...
We're looking into new Donation/Fundraising platforms at the moment but looking for one with good donor stewardship options as well. Have any got any good experience of platforms like these? Is there...
Hello Is a relative of a member of staff allowed to make a donation? Or is this a conflict of interest. Thanks.
Does anyone have any suggestions about new Individual Giving products that have been successful for your charity? We currently offer a Lottery scheme, Payroll Giving, Regular Giving, In memory giving...
Does any one know of corporates and or organisations that provide in-kind gifts (not cash, but products, for self-care welfare packages, to female mature students. May last year we were gifted 10 tic...
Hi all, I know there are a few threads on here about online fundraising platforms that people like to use. I was wondering if anyone knew of sites similar to easyfundraising that are no-cost to donor...
We need advice in terms of restricted funds if we to fundraiser for a specific dog that is currently with our charity for re-homing. We desperately need to find a home for a dog with addisons disease...
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