Hello Charity Connect community! I'm looking for some advice and insights on how to best advertise volunteering opportunities available in Africa to a European audience. We’re aiming to connect passi...

Hi all, What's considered best practice with account signatories? We're moving banks and I'd assumed we'll put all 5 trustees as signatories as that helps if some people are unavailable. But then I...

Hi, I work for a Housing Association as Head of Employment, Skills and Inclusion and am reaching out to this network to see if anyone any contacts or recommendations that could support us in our ambi...

Hello lovely people, does anybody have any recommendations for reasonably-priced events venues in and around Westminster? It's for a report launch so we'd need space for about 100 people. Thanks so m...

I am trying to get all my nonprofits data up to date on charity. How long does it take to get rated. I have a platinum seal on guidestar.

Hi there, I have been asked to incorporate a way to donate on our website and have been looking for options, but just wondered if anyone had any recommendations through experience, I know PayPal offe...

Hi there, I'm looking for recommendations on where we could attend an event to showcase our charity to potential corporate partners? Do these things even exist? We are a nationwide charity so don't h...

Hi We're looking at moving some of our training modules to being online. Currently we host using Zoom and have a 90 minutes information session about volunteering with the charity followed by a 90 mi...

As a charity, we have a small staff but a high turnover rate. We prioritise taking care of our employees and ensuring that we have proper HR processes and procedures in place to protect ourselves in...

Hi, I am one of 3 directors of a newly formed small CIC. We do not have share capital. When setting up the company we stated that there were no PSCs as the definitions given didn't seem to apply to o...

Good morning Can anyone please advise me how to take ownership of a Facebook page - we've been trying to find instructions to action, but aren't seeing options such as 'page transparency' so are gett...

Hi all, I'm looking to find an affordable space to hold our May Board meeting. I've used Tag Venue to gather quotes but sadly nothing suitable within budget has come through. Does anyone have any su...

We are looking for preloaded debit cards for our volunteers to use. Anyone out there with knowledge and experience, and any recommendations? Thank you

Hi, I know that when a group is reaching £5k + a year in income they need to register with the Charity Commission. However, is this Gross or net? Does this income include everything that comes in to...

Does anyone have ideas on how to efficiently organise a booking system for trips and activities for a small charity organisation? I work with an organisation that does this for young people with disa...

Hi everyone, We are looking to run our own silent auction at our fundraising dinner in May and are looking into which apps we could use for this. We like the look of Bid Beacon but would appreciate t...

Can anyone send me a template of their preferred fundraising plans? I'm creating ours and want to look at the best bits to pull one together so would love some blank templates to start with!

Hi everyone, I'm looking at costs to get someone to host and maintain our website and do a few monthly jobs for us. Can you recommend someone? Currently, our website it pretty static other than upda...

I'm Trustee to a small charity that has raised over £5000 last year so we need to apply to the charity commission. After a lot of research i think the CIO foundation model would be most appropriate b...

Looking for shop frontage premises in Glasgow and Warrington. Anyone know who we can contact? As a registered charity we are looking to enjoy free rent and rates/council tax and ideally free utilitie...

Does anyone know anything about systems change in the charity sector, and what roles you might go for, or qualifications you might need, if you're interested in it please? I have been reading and hea...

How can do you develop a budget and forecast future financial performance?

Can anyone point me in the right direction to establish if some individuals are entitled to holiday pay please? We pay our coaches to run a few clubs and a throw away remark on the radio has got me t...

When we hold raffles at events we find fewer people are carrying cash and we don't currently have a card reader. But can card readers be used for payments for raffle tickets? From what I've read it s...

Hi everyone, I am looking to get your thoughts on thanking. I work for a small/medium national charity and we currently send out thank you letters to donors above £10 and send out approx 50 letters...

I work at a not-for-profit membership organisation and want to help promote our new members discount for small charities (with annual incomes under £150k) however I am finding it difficult to generat...

What is the duration for registering a new charity(CIO) with the Charity's Commission? I have started a new charity registration since early 2024 through a consultant due to being busy with studies a...

Lloyds has just sent us 13 pages of US government form to fill, to establish that we're not tax resident in the US. Refers officiously to the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, as if it has jur...

I recently decided to use a business support service, but encountered some unexpected problems. I found a company, and at first glance everything looked okay - beautiful promises, a solid website. B...

Hello I just wondering if anyone can help or point me in the right direction, I am wanting to reach out to big stores to get some easter eggs for our community we are a charity and got a charity num...