This question is from a member of our community that wishes to remain anonymous: Hello, does anyone have experience of using Salesforce for a booking/reservation system? If so please post a response...
Software, memberships, online ads? Or anything Xx
Hi all, I wanted to ask for your thoughts on something we are looking to do but wanted to make sure it was a good idea before we do anything else and get your thoughts on how we could do it. We are...
Hello all, we are looking into changing our email provider. Which companies have you found to be the best? We would need to keep our current email addresses and we would like it to be easy to set u...
Hi, I work for a small charity and I was asked for the first time by a staff member to give them access to their data. We need some support and guidance how to handle this carefully. Anyone out there...
Good morning, community! We are planning to go out to tender for an outsourced IT managed service provider in the coming months, however we don't have the expertise in-house to know what we should be...
Hi, We are trying to streamline our processes and it looks like we will still need 3-4 systems to capture everything and then we will are trying to work out how we can look after those who belong in...
We're a very small new charity (1 year), and we need to look at getting a CRM system. We're using the free Microsoft 365 Teams to manage our day-to-day stuff, and they have a free non-profit CRM whi...
Does anyone have a database that allows you to query the charity register, paid for or free? It's available to download, so in theory I could build my own - but I don't have the skills. I'm looking f...
Hello, I am looking to find information about what CRM other charities use in order to see what options are available out there. All the best, Veronica
For donors who have Gift Aided their gifts their data is downloaded from CRM in Excel format. The HMRC Gift Aid portal then rejects the date (albeit it in their DD/MM/YY configuration) and amount, ag...
I'm looking for some recommendations - I co-ordinate a network of organisations and I'm looking for an online platform that lets people chat with each other, make offers and requests, has an informat...
Is anyone else on here having issues with MS365 access today? We can't get in to our MS accounts and emails to us are being bounced back as e-mail address not found! We are being told it may be lin...
I am a trustee of a small charity (5 p/t staff plus several volunteers involved in aspects of operations), annual income approx. £150k. We have gone round in circles looking for a CRM - let down by...
We are getting elderly people online and giving them a SIM loaded phone. We have no phones left, any ideas where we might source them? They do not have to be new. Tony
This question is from a member of our community that wishes to remain anonymous: If you have started to develop a CRM to support small charities, but are being let down repeatedly by the dev team in...
Hi all We're a small charity needing to upgrade our IT support - can anyone recommend anyone? We're in Watford. Thanks
We're a small charity with a team of fabulous staff who all work remotely from home. Our website has been developed in WordPress, and members of the team can make edits/modifications but we feel we...
We are looking for a CRM for our charity .We have around 200 contacts ,30 donors and 200 client list .We are looking for something that is easy to use .We want to track membership payments ,Donors an...
Hi, Does any one know if Membership charities are entitled to Microsoft Licenes discounts? Is there any benefit that membership charities get from Microsoft and Azure. Regards, JS
Hello all, I work for a small charity that investigate companies which exposes us to legal attacks. I intend to get legal advice but as a starting point I'm looking for any advice on what I need to t...
I'm trying to help a charity that needs to basically compare 2 sets of maps. This is an ideal task for an AI bot. They need it done quickly (ok, over 5yrs, there's a lot of maps) and accurately. I'v...
I'm supporting Natural Neighbours, which is a very new charity. We are looking at what the organisation needs to do regarding the IT area overall for the coming 12 months or so. What are the prioriti...
Our Google Workspace email domain went over to SquareSpace recently. Because of this we found we had increased monthly subscription charges. We tried to adjust our account to email only, but now have...
Hi all, I'm comparing Beacon vs Donorfy at the moment and wondered if anyone would be willing to share their comparison charts/ findings with me? Thanks Jess
I have just joined another charity, and it is clear they need a software programme to manage data for building philanthropic support. They do not have a database. Do you have any recommendations fo...
Hi, Does anyone have experience with the Microsoft Azure Grant? "Microsoft Tech for Social Impact is dedicated to providing affordable and accessible technology to help nonprofits of all sizes achiev...
Hello! I work for a small grant-maker and currently manage everything using Outlook and Excel. I would like to put a database in place to improve and develop our grant management. I have used Salesf...
I am currently comparing 2 CRM systems, Beacon and Donorfy and wondered if anyone would be willing to share comparison charts / findings with me. I would very much appreciate any insights that can...
Hi, I am new to using Access Dimensions and I am struggling to get to grips with it. I am working alone in the department and whenever I raise a case, I don't get the answers I need. Instead, it turn...
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